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Category Archives: php security
Full disclosure: multiple critical security vulnerabilities (including a backdoor!) in PHP File Manager
In July 2010 I was looking for a web based file manager that I could use on my own web server. After some research I found the PHP File Manager from Revived Wire Media. A basic, but good looking web … Continue reading
Security audits as an integral part of PHP application development
More often than not, web applications start off as a bright idea, which is then brought into realization at a fast and furious pace, with little eye for anything but result. Once all envisioned functionality is incorporated in the design … Continue reading
Posted in php security, presentation, security audit, website
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Web Programmer’s Hacking Guide
Ongeveer 80% van de websites op het internet hebben beveiligingslekken. Men denkt over het algemeen dat de software die men schrijft, veilig is. Ik durf het tegengestelde te beweren. Waarom? Omdat programmeurs niet geleerd wordt om veilig te programmeren. Een opmerkelijke … Continue reading
Posted in article, cross-site scripting, php security, security audit, website
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