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Category Archives: wi-fi
NOS: WiFi-hackapparatuur die Russische spionnen waarschijnlijk gebruikten
Vandaag heeft de Militaire Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst bekend gemaakt dat de Russische inlichtingendienst geprobeerd heeft de Organisatie voor het Verbod op Chemische Wapens (OPCW) in Den Haag te hacken via WiFi. De NOS was benieuwd naar het soort hackapparatuur dat de Russen … Continue reading
Posted in demonstration, hacking, interview, tv, wi-fi
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WiFi eavesdropping demonstration in Smell of Data documentary
Leanne Wijnsma created with her Smell of Data project a device that can warn their owners when a data leak occurs. A specific alerting odor will be released by the device when a data leak is detected. She asked me … Continue reading
Posted in data leakage, drive-by, hacking, privacy, tv, wi-fi, wiretapping
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Hack demonstration at the WatchGuard symposium
Last week I demonstrated on the WatchGuard symposium how you can break into a website and into WiFi connections from mobile phones. It’s always very awesome to see the disbelief first on one side and then the enthusiasm from attendees … Continue reading
Posted in presentation, security awareness, website security, wi-fi
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