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Category Archives: security awareness
How to hack the upcoming Dutch elections – and how hackers could have hacked all Dutch elections since 2009
As everybody has read in the newspapers, the recent American elections involved multiple and severe hacking attacks. Tens of thousands of confidential and private emails from Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) were leaked via WikiLeaks. It is thought … Continue reading
Hack demonstration at the WatchGuard symposium
Last week I demonstrated on the WatchGuard symposium how you can break into a website and into WiFi connections from mobile phones. It’s always very awesome to see the disbelief first on one side and then the enthusiasm from attendees … Continue reading
Posted in presentation, security awareness, website security, wi-fi
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Lock Me Down podcast: Cyber security for developers
Max McCarty from Lock Me Down podcast interviewed me for an hour (view the show notes) and we talked about web security and how software developers can improve it:
Posted in podcast, radio, security awareness, software development, website security
1 Comment
Zo slordig gaan bedrijven met persoonsgegevens van hun klanten om
Nieuwssite Z24 had een interview met mij en schreef het volgende artikel:
Posted in interview, security awareness
M-FILES radio: ‘Rest In Privacy’
Deze week was ik te gast in de radioshow van M-FILES wat ging over online privacy. Vanaf 22:12 minuten is mijn bijdrage te horen:
Posted in hacking, podcast, privacy, radio, security awareness
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